The framework aims to guide the design by considering the experience that the visitor will have, the depth and detail with which they will choose to explore, and the time they have available.
The visitor's experience will enrich the museum's experience spaces, which in turn will influence the experience and perception of other visitors.
The underlying assumption of the framework is that the experience within the museum can be conducted vertically and touch various levels of engagement, information, and perception: metaphors, macro-concepts, suggestions of sounds and colors, as well as meticulously reported historical or technical details, all find their place in this representation within the museum spaces and are available to the visitor.
Starting from this assumption, it is essential to navigate this type of experience, which is not only amplified but also fluid, cross-media, and omnichannel. A holistic museum experience.
These assumptions will allow various disciplines and professionals to work in unison and cross-pollinate each other.